Growing CBD hemp for our CBD oils
You may also have wondered how our CBD oil is actually made. That is not only a legitimate, but also an extremely exciting question, which I would like to answer for you today.

Cultivation of the hemp
As you have already learned, we sell high quality CBD oils from Swiss organic cultivation. In a first step, the cuttings are planted in the ground and then covered with black foil.
This has two advantages:
1. The earth gets nice and warm - this is what the hemp plant particularly likes
2. You don't have to remove weeds 😉
Since we cannot protect the BIO plants from pests with pesticides, we use so-called beneficial insects. These are small insects that do no harm to the plant, but destroy the eggs of flies and kill lice. On each plant you will see a small "bag" in which the beneficial insects are.
Every day, the current status of the pests / beneficial insects is checked. For this, yellow leaves are laid out on the ground, on which the small insects like to lie. You can then quickly see on these leaves whether there are too many pests. If this is the case, measures must be taken immediately, because otherwise there is no longer any salvation for the plants.
As you have probably noticed in the picture, the plants are in grown in a greenhouse. Of course, this has enormous advantages.
1. The plants are protected from natural disasters, such as strong storms or hail.
2. The hemp plant actually only flowers once a year (in autumn). By darkening the greenhouse, the plant can bloom twice a year. So you get twice the yield for the same cultivation area. This works because the darkness of the plant simulates that the light hours are different. Accordingly, the plant reacts with growth or with the production of flowers. In nature, the hemp plant grows with increasing light hours (spring / summer) and begins to produce flowers when the light hours decrease.
Now the processing of the hemp plant continues. p>

CBD oil production
The processing of the hemp is more complex than many assume! You can't just cold-press the hemp plants like an olive!
First, the harvested plants have to be dried. Then they are shredded & cleaned so that there is as much attack surface as possible later in the CO2 process. Now comes a very crucial step: the chopped up hemp is placed on a baking sheet and in the oven for a few minutes. Here the ingredients are decarboxylated. CBD (and also THC) is only present in plants as CBDA (THCA). This is the acidic state of CBD. The heating (decarboxylation) converts the CBDA into CBD and can therefore only be absorbed by a mammal. By the way, this also happens when someone smokes cannabis. The embers heat the CBD strongly and thus decarboxylate it.
Now the freshly baked hemp goes into the CO2 extraction. Here, CO2 is made liquid by high pressure and then added to the hemp. During this "washing process", the hemp extract dissolves and ends up in a container. The CO2 becomes gaseous again when the pressure is reduced and ends up in the gas cylinder again. As you can see, this is a very gentle method - for the active ingredients as well as the environment. Only 7% of the CO2 is lost and even that is not a disadvantage! Because the CO2 goes directly to the greenhouses to the hemp plants, which are happy about it!
The hemp extract is then dissolved in ethanol and frozen. The active ingredients are stored in the ethanol, which remains liquid. The fats, on the other hand, freeze and can therefore be sieved off. Then the ethanol is removed again by distillation and we get a very high quality hemp extract with 30% CBD and 1% THC. This hemp extract is then the basis for all of our oils. It can be mixed in various strengths and dissolved in the desired oil base. We use sunleaf seed oil, hemp seed oil or for animals: salmon oil.
Then the oil is filled into the vial with the pipette, labeled and they are ready to be delivered to the happy customer to become.
So! That's it from the production of the CBD oil. I really hope you found the information helpful and thank you for reading! If you want to buy our Swiss BIO CBD oil, you can click on the button below and you will go directly to the shop: